Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt Institute of Australian Geographers & The New Zealand Geographical Society Conference 2014

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

Dr Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt is a Senior Fellow at the Resource Environment and Development group at the Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia and the Pacific in The Australian National University (ANU). Kuntala was trained in geography from Lady Brabourne College and Calcutta University, and has taught in The University of Burdwan from 1982-2002, before joining the ANU. At the ANU, Kuntala convenes the Gender specialisation in Masters of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development program, and teaches courses on Gender, Resources and the Environment and Gender and Development, and supervises Doctoral students researching resource conflicts in Asia. Kuntala has published widely on the challenges around thinking of water resource development and mineral extractive industries through a gender lens. These publications are available in international journals such as South Asia, Natural Resources Forum, Feminist Review and Gender, Place and Culture on these topics. Her recent publications include 'Dancing with the River: People and Life on Chars in South Asia', (Yale University Press, 2013), 'The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India', (ed) (Ashgate, 2014), and 'Gendering the Field', (ed) (ANU Press, 2012). Currently she is researching agrarian transition and the moral economy of peasant mining in South and Southeast Asia with funding from the Australian Research Council.

Abstracts this author is presenting: